Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It started snowing here in Greece last night. After a 4 year wait it finally came. I guess we are going to have a White Christmas after all. It is now 6 degrees in Athens and the sun came out I just hope the weather doesn't change into a warmer temperature. SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Greek Winter

Slowly - but surely - we are coming to grips with the fact that it's winter here in Greece. Snow hasn't started to fall nor has the winter breeze has come to cool us, but it is coming as slow as a tortoise.
Syntagma square has not been decorated yet, the streets however, are full of christmas lights and decors. Shops and buildings also contribute to the christmas spirit that those decorations give to people. The square is full of people who have started buying their early christmas gifts for their loved ones. Buzz buzz buzz, fast walkers, slow walkers, dancers, singers, actors, simple people, bizarre people, filled up the centre today. I wonder what the atmosphere would be like during the christmas weekend? ha ha ha....CRAZY! That's what I think.